Good Behavior

 For those who gain My preference, the rewards are staggering.  I have shared deep, life-changing friendships with many of My acolytes.  We laugh, we cry, we confide our deepest secrets.  My style of D/s (Dominant/submissive) relationship is very non-traditional and based on a mutual trust and devotion.  Although achievable, these delights are not easy to garner.  I have very specific tastes and expectations. The things that most endear you to Me are simple; find the perfect mixture of a few of My top preferences and you will be ushered into the upper echelons of My favor.  Manners and Attentiveness.  Show Me your best self and you will receive My best.  The most positive first impression you can give Me is showing that you have read and followed all of the salient instructions of My carefully crafted website.  Approach Me in the most direct yet courteous manner you can achieve (I am very … Continue reading Good Behavior