Bad Behavior

Written by Mistress Odette

You have either found this page out of curiosity or you’ve been sent here because you are guilty of any of the following behaviors. Either way, here’s a comprehensive list of things that really piss Me off.

  1. You are requesting a description of a session/content that just amounts to free jack off material, and we both know it. Your language was probably “Can you tell me exactly what you’ll do to me?” or “Send me a detailed description?” I understand your curiosity, but respect My labor. It’s always blindingly obvious when you’re fishing for free content, so spare us both. I am happy to provide you with nearly unlimited material, but be prepared to pay to play. I realize that some of you ask a lot of questions out of innocent curiosity, however understand that this kind of request should immediately be followed by an offer to compensate Me for My time.
  2. You want Me to “prove I’m real”, using free pictures, phone conversation, etc. I have a wide and diverse media presence, I am a verified member of multiple provider websites and forums. Do your research. Once again, you are probably fishing for free content.
  3. You won’t book a session ahead of time or a time that is convenient to Me because “the desire strikes at unpredictable times”. I do take last minute and same-day booking if it happens to work into my schedule, however there is always a surcharge of $150 for daytime sessions and a $1,000 minimum for same day sessions after 7pm. I will not waive this fee, there are no special circumstances. If the timing is not right, I’m not going to stop My life to accommodate for your poor planning.
  4. You don’t want to go through My screening process or pay a deposit. There are so many ways for you to be verified, there’s really no excuse. I am always willing to make an in-person vanilla meeting to insure your privacy, for an extra consultation fee.
  5. You want a service that I very explicitly state I do not provide. There is no coquettery or nuance to My limit list, if I’ve taken the time to clearly write that I do not offer a service, it is off the table. If you’re curious about a service that is not mentioned, you may politely inquire.
  6. You are trying to piss Me off/cross My boundaries etc to incite My “real anger” instead of the playful severity I use in sessions. This is not ok and honestly not consensual. I love chastising as an element of My dominance, but if you’re getting off on making Me upset I will terminate contact.
  7. You are exhibiting jealousy or possessiveness. Get over it. This also goes for trying to inspire jealousy in Me. Not going to happen.
  8. You are pestering Me with questions you can answer yourself by reading My website.
  9. You are attempting to cultivate a friendship with Me for the purpose of receiving free favors and interactions from Me. If I want to be friends with you, I will initiate. The best way to gain My favor is by buying Me presents. It gets My attention and sets you apart. I’ve known to be incredibly fond of My inner circle of generous friends. Statements like “But I thought we were friends!” are inappropriate and indicate that you do not respect My time.
  10. You are speaking badly of another provider, Domina or subset of sex work. I actively reject competition and seek out solidarity between providers. I push back against creating hierarchy between sex workers. Talking badly of anyone is a huge turn off.
  11. You are using explicit or coded racism/sexism/classism/transphobia/ableism. I demand respectful and PC language in any inquiry. If you’re confused about whether a term is offensive, look it up. If it’s really important for you to make a comment that includes one of the previous -isms, think about why you feel like it’s relevant or necessary and then don’t do it.